The Children’s Home is dedicated to providing families with the supports they need to thrive at home. We have many programs for children and families that can be utilized after discharge.
The Pediatric VIEW Practice
Pediatric VIEW is a program that cares for children with cortical visual impairment. This is an out-patient program and serves people from all over the world.
Child’s Way Daycare
Child’s Way is a daycare for children who have medical needs.
TEMP- Temporary Emergent Medical Pediatric Program
This is a program designed to care for a child with complex medical needs in an emergent situation.
Family Centered Therapy Services
Our therapy team providers, inpatient, outpatient, and early intervention services.
Our counseling department is staffed with highly trained social workers and therapists to help families when they need it most.
There are several trusted sites that we refer families to when they discharge home from our Pediatric Specialty Hospital.
When Baby Cries
Car Seat Safety
Portrait of a Promise
Safe Sleep
Please take our Discharge Survey