Cortical Visual Impairment with The Red Balloon Foundation
June 23, 2024
Christine Roman Lantzy, Ph.D.
Director, Pediatric VIEW Program, The Children’s Home of Pittsburgh
After 6 days of intensive workshop days, Lindsay and I have a day of rest. But rest is not what we are seeking. Today we leave homebase to have experiences outside of the walls and gates of The Eagle’s Nest Conference Center.
(The back gate of The Eagle’s Nest.)
Later in the day, I will virtually attend The National Institutes of Health/National Eye Institute National CVI Registry Expert Panel meeting. I can only hope the power is stable and my internet connection is strong. The meeting is scheduled for 10 AM to 3:30 PM EST which translates to 4PM to 9:30 PM SFST (South Africa Standard Time).
My impressions of the past week are the memories that will stay with me. Most of the participants covered their own costs to spend 6 days away from family, work, and everyday life. That kind of dedication and passion for children with CVI impresses me. As sometimes happens in workshops, the group of PTs, OTs, doctors, teachers, developmental specialists, and university instructors became less of a series of “separates” and more a unified entity joined by a mission. At the close of the final session, it was moving to see the flurry of hugs, photos, and even tears at the time of departure. Many told me that their practices with children who have CVI would forever change. That’s huge. I know a few participants will stay in my life, but all will remain in my deepest gratitude. And hats off to Antoinette and Terry for being women of vision and change. They are the real deal.
(Group 1)
Today/Sunday we went to a rooftop market full of mostly handmade indigenous items. It was a feast for the eyes and great fun. The Gumboot dancers popped up from time to time and it was all I could do to resist the pretend notion that I could join in. Paying for treasures in South African currency, rand, has an exchange rate of $1.00 U.S. to .056 rand. In other words, the dollar goes a long way. It was simply a joyful, colorful, and bustling environment. Lunch was at the Cradle of Humankind, a UNESCO site dedicated to the anthropological and historical findings of early man. The site was expansive and thought provoking. There is much to ponder in this remarkable place.
(The marketplace in Johannesburg.)
(Cradle of Humanity)
CVI Workshop 2024 Agenda Week 1
CVI Workshop 2024 Agenda Week 2